Monday, April 5, 2010

IUI #1 Complete!

Well as plenty of you know, after that first follie check (see below) things moved rather quickly! I went in the next day for them to do another follie check and it was still at 22 (18 is mature) and my lining had reached 8! The RE had me trigger Thursday night at 11, meaning I gave myself an Hcg shot to induce ovulation.

Saturday morning was our isemination! We went in at 9:00 for Tim to do his part and we got great numbers! His numbers were even better than at his analysis... 157 million with 100% motility! We went and piddled around town while they prepared the swimmers for insemination and returned at 10:45! I was inseminated at 11:00 and things went great, a little painful but it was ok. The nurse told me I had not ovulated but should between 1-3 (that was the goal) and that I had no restrictions...

I took that too literal and we ventured to Ikea with some friends. At about 2 I started having horrible pain in my lower abdomen to the right side that lasted until about 5. Sure enough when I went in yesterday morning my follie had shrunk, meaning ovulation had occured! The nurse said that was what cause the pain!

So now we wait. My beta blood pregnancy test will be on the 15th! I will probably take a home pregnancy test prior to that but I am going to try my best not to! I hope you all will keep us in your prayers and pray that I make it through these 10 days without going insane!

I love you all and hope to have some good news for you soon :)


  1. Good luck!

    I hope these next 10 days go by fast for you.

  2. just found your blog, and read from the beginning :) i also have PCOS... i just got married & we're not quite ready to super actively try, but i don't cycle on my own so we know it's going to be a little difficult... i'm loving all the other blogs about the journey and it's cool to see someone who's just starting out!!

    hope things go super well for you & that you have a nice high beta next week!! i'm looking forward to reading more :)

  3. hang in there! You are not alone!
    Don't lose hope!

  4. I just found your blog as well! I would love to hear how you're doing. We have the same doc!
